The week was long, and despite having only one official appointment for my mother, my time to write was scarce. That said, I did get to look at chapter six of Sen of the Woods. So I am making progress! I did realize that as much as I want to protect my process, as some writers call it–the work time for writing–getting out into the woods is far more necessary. I lived alone for so long that being on call 24/7 does a break. Even when I’m taking a week off, I’ll still get calls. Being out in the woods, I do feel as if I’ve had more alone time, even if I’m always a phone call away.
So the second I knew I could get away, I didn’t run to my desk and work. I went out and explored a new trail past the old Decatur Water Works. It is off the South Peachtree Creek Trail (Note, AllTrails links it to Medlock Park. I access it through Mason Mill park. After the bridge over the train tracks, it’s near where the story signs are, and what appears to be the start of a garden). It’s kind of fun to go along these trails and see signs of old structures.

The giddy glory of the the graffiti on the old water works is not as curious, and interesting as running across what looked like a bunch of old boxes thrown out and trees decided to grow through them. The boxes, of course, are made of concrete.
That day, I went past the water works, and all the artwork, and noted this intriguing set of steps. They were gated on both sides, but mainly to ensure that people crossed at their own risk in case of flooding. I don’t have a premium account on AllTrails, but have learned how to navigate with the map up. I could see the off path trails, and where I was on it.
When I got home I discovered that on the other side of those steps is a nature trail, very well maintained, and is the Ira B. Melton Trail. I knew that I did not want to get lost, and I keep looking for good trails to find and follow. This one is a decided treat!
More… the amount of walking I’ve been doing, as well as the circuit I try to do every other day upped my energy and endurance.

I only ever jog when my body wants to. I’m not exercising to lose weight at this point (thank you peri-menopause!), I go out and workout to help maintain my sanity. If my body wants to run, I run for the sheer joy of it. Both the loop past the Decatur Water Works–linking Mason Mill’s access to the Emory trails, and the Lullwater Loop, and the one to Medlock park, and the Ira B. Melton trail were ones I reveled in, and even found myself jogging more than I expected to. Even seeing the signs identifying trees on the Ira B. Melton trail made me joyous.
These times spent on the trail are always accompanied by my Owl Bag, and I usually carry either my journal or a chapter or so to edit in case I want to stop for a bit. This time I did not. I was energized, and I did go home to later work on more of Sen of the Woods. Nature is, as you can tell by my work, part of my creative life.
One thing that might encourage you, if you’re a young writer is that despite the enormous pressures against my own writing time, I haven’t given up. It may have taken me six months to get through six chapters, but I have done it. So… Write On! Today it’s raining, and so I will get to work on my work! And hope that my mother’s and my plan for doing her chores works better than it has!