At a recent Comedy Show at Accent Cellars artist Katie Vanhoff and I talked about Grant Searcy, and our memories of him. Katie’s artwork hangs in the winery, and is definitely part of the charm of the place. She also designs the wine labels, T-shirts, beyond the gallery art.
Before he passed, we both had projects we were going to collaborate on with him. He had already worked on three of my book covers, and was about to work on a fourth when he became ill. Katie and I had also collaborated on a book cover, but that book—which I often call my problem child—has undergone yet another transformation. The book has turned into a duo. The horse I would be using for Seek the Monster, would no longer be enough. In honor of Grant, we decided to collaborate. In the spirit of collaboration, I let her choose what spirit animal would be on the other cover, and that I’d include it in the revisions.
Being the mother of two small children, I assured her that I, being the care giver of my mother, there was absolutely no deadline. I was struggling to revise a completely different book.
As the work I’m doing loosened up as my mother has gotten stronger, I started to go out and explore the nearby parks with trails. I realized I needed a small bag for my journal, or whatever chapter I was editing, plus water. Sometimes I even go out with breakfast, and spend the day—Mom has gotten that much better! I can be out for a hike of five miles, if I choose. I just have to be back to feed her. (There was a time when that was not possible).
On that same trip where I got to talk with Katie, I knew that I could go to Grateful Days where the style I was looking for could most likely be found. I did find something, but the friend I was with was also searching for a new bag, and so we went upstairs and looked at more bags… and then I saw the Owl Bag.
If I don’t have an update, I’ll share what I gained in the nature hikes I go on. Let’s see where my whimsical bag might take me!